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Cock Pump

  • 5:18 minutes
  • 4K
  • TOP rating

Another patient has registered for a therapy session with Dr Cassandra Casal. The diagnosis is: acute seminal congestion. Recommended therapy: immediate emasculation.

Fixed on the Gyn-Styhl, Dr. Casal connects him to the milking machine. The slave is milked relentlessly. But he doesn't want it! No? Oh, Dr. Casal knows the means to milk him off without a care in the world! 

Could you resist this attractive therapist?

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User comments (1)
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February 11, 2023 11:51 ★★★★★

Sehr schönes Video ich freue mich schon auf meinen nächsten Termin bei euch im Casal in Essen. Liebe Grüße Jörg